woensdag 3 november 2010

Dia del Muerto

Monday night we went to see the celebration of the day of the death in Txitzitzuan, walked the cemetery with miljons of lights,flowers and food, amazing to see, we walked to the church passed lots of food stands, artisians, pottery, clothing stands. The church was very impressive, build from stones from the old aztek tempels. big olive trees. that probably date back to the 1600's trunks as big as a car. We will get back there during the daytime to see the temples church and the lake.

Race day 2, Tory is still not feeling well, she is still riding, At the end of day 2 Kim took her to the American doctor, he gave her some pills and an iv. She was feeling better this morning. She changed her front tire in about six minutes after a 7 hour ride, again great job Tory.
Alley lost a couple of minutes during the day, changed her rear tire, filter. and was happy after her massage.

Karine houred out at impound at noon check. she is very disapointed. Had dinner with her and the french connection in a fancy restaurant yesterday evening. We did some talking and hopefully we will see her back in Finland or Germany.

Thierry is going strong, his tests are not very fast but he is riding along and having fun.

According to Thierry and Tory the course today is very challinging, lots of round rocks, technical. Tory lost about 20 minutes in the first loup. Thierry is still on time. Alley is now 45 minutes late.

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